Paper Submission Guideline


1. At least one representative author should sign up at for initial submission.
(Your ID (E-mail) and password from ICCAS2014 and ICCAS2016 are still available for the ICCAS2017.
If you already have yours, please log in with your ID and password and modify with the latest information.)

2. Prepare the manuscript using the paper templates.

The paper should be of A4 size, typed in two columns with single spacing in English.
Note that only PDF (Portable Document Format) files are acceptable.

3. Before the submission, make sure the author’s information is ready.

  • The order of the authors should be kept in the list.
  • Choose one “Corresponding Author” among the authors, and decide one “Presenting Author” who is going to give the talk at the lecture (oral) session, or to interact with the audience at the poster session.
  • Telephone and FAX numbers are asked only for the corresponding author.
Paper Information
    • Paper Type: The conference invites three types of submission: “Regular Paper”, “Research Poster Paper“, and “Invited(Organized) Session/Mini-symposium Paper”.

1) Regular Paper (3 to 6 pages)
Full papers (3 to 6 pages long) must be submitted for review. A maximum of two additional pages is permitted at an extra charge (USD 100 per page). Accepted regular papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors can choose Whether the paper will be indexed in IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS and EI compendex or not.

2) Research Poster Paper (1 to 2 pages)
Authors may also have an option to submit research poster papers on preliminary work. Research poster paper (1 to 2 pages long) is to present the last minute result of your research so that attendance can share and discuss the ideas and results via poster session. The paper describes the core results. The paper accepted for presentation will NOT be indexed though it is included in the Proceedings.

3) Invited(Organized) Session/Mini-symposium Paper (1 to 6 pages)
Invited Session and Mini-symposium will be organized to present work that surrounds unified themes. Mini-symposium is composed of 2 to 3 sessions, and the organizer can set up the presentation time. Authors who accept invitations from organizers may submit their work as “Invited (Organized) Session/Mini-symposium Paper”. Authors can choose Whether the paper will be indexed in IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS and EI compendex or not, but 1 to 2 pages of papers will NOT be indexed.

    • Subject Area: Choose one of keywords that best describes the paper.

      Control Theory and Applications
      Control Devices and Instruments
      Industrial Applications of Control
      Sensors and Signal Processing
      Artificial Intelligent Systems
      Autonomous Vehicle Systems

      Navigation, Guidance and Control
      Biomedical Instruments and Systems
      Information and Networking
      Multimedia Systems
      Process Control Systems
      Civil and Urban Control Systems

      Human Robot Interaction
      Robot Mechanism and Control
      Robot Vision
      Exoskeletal Robot
      Intelligent Robot and Service Robot
      Robotic Applications

    • Paper Title: Type-in the title in the text format.
    • Paper File: Choose the pdf file of the paper in your computer.
    • Presentation Type: Choose one of “Lecture (Oral)” or “Poster” for the presentation at the conference. This is just for asking the authors’ preference, and the Program Committee may assign the paper in different presentation type based on the theme of the sessions.
    • Award Application: The authors may apply for “Outstanding Paper Awards” or “Student Best Paper Awards”. For details, refer to Awards page.